How to remember your best self 🙌

Hello all,

We are 17 days into this new year and by now many of us will be feeling varying degrees of disappointment already.


The collapse of a resolution, the monotony of a boring day, the stuckness of a job you don’t enjoy, the pang of a missed opportunity, the fog of a lack of clarity, the frustration caused by low confidence, the burnout that you are still experiencing. 

This is all quite normal, but, at the same time, there IS the option for better. 

I want to help you find it.


We’re just a few days away from the latest launch of The Purpose Pursuit, my 10 week coaching programme with coaching concepts and prompts to guide you through the full experience. 


No more burnout 

No more dissatisfaction 

No more ‘what if I get it wrong?’


In the Purpose Pursuit, you will have penny drop moment after penny drop moment enabling you to really know and understand yourself, warts and all. This is KEY to you saying goodbye to burnout and hello to a life FULL of confidence and balance. . You’ll then take this learning to create your life plan - like a business plan, but for your life - you’ll be given the opportunity to dream, and then ground it out in a workable plan. 


You’re going to keep repeating the same thing over and over if you don’t do something different. 

But, the doors close on the weekend. I won’t be running this again until autumn. 

Don’t be one of those people wishing they’d done it. 

Back yourself, make an investment in you at the start of the year and come and get involved. 

I guarantee you wont regret it (and if you do I’ll give you your money back, anyway). Find out all the details by clicking the link below! 

What have you got to lose?

Love, Hannah x 


Where am I? 🧭


figuring out your next steps 🧭